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Ancient History is simply the accumulated record of previous human events, from the dawn of writing to that of modern history and beyond. The term can be used both to describe the historical period or the educational field. Ancient History can be applied to a wide variety of topics and is often intertwined with theology or philosophy. Ancient History normally refers to those periods before the inception of recorded historical records and covers events dating from around 1200 BCE right up to the end of the Second World War.

Ancient History falls into two main categories, pre-Christian and medieval. In pre-Christianity the era is primarily characterized by political and social unrest and religious persecution. In medieval time the era is largely defined by the rise of the Carolingian Dynasty in the Western Europe, which brought an age of intolerance and religious wars against native Christians. In the late medieval period a new era, known as the Renaissance, emerged, typified by a flowering of philosophical thought. In the modern period, however, the great expansion of European civilization began in the eighteenth century with the rise of the Napoleonic Empire and the rise of the European medieval society. The nineteenth century saw the rise of the Industrial revolution and the growth of states across continental Europe, which brought about a vast change in the ancient history of Europe.

The study of ancient history today generally deals with the development of different civilizations through time but has been challenged by the challenge of how the ancients viewed themselves. Two major types of ancient history have been identified: the classical model and the evolutionary model. The classical model, as the name implies, concentrates on the development of classical ideas within ancient societies. The evolutionary model, on the other hand, traces its influence upon ancient Greece and Rome as well as upon the classical political systems of Europe.

Through the development of science and mathematics, the classical model gradually took shape and gradually replaced the earlier assumptions about the nature of reality. Two of the most prominent models in this category are deductive and teleological. In the former, the historian deduces certain general or necessary facts from their historical corpus, and then applies these to other events that have taken place. Teleology, on the other hand, deals with causation in nature and is thus generally associated with meteorology and zoology. The historical accounts given by classical historians usually focus on events that occurred prior to the writing of the first books of the historical chronicles.

Most of the classical historians of the ancient world were either Jews, who had strong ties with the far east, or Assyrians, who governed the ancient Near East, or Latinists, who wrote about Middle Eastern history. Latin writers were keenly involved in the debates between classical scholars on the interpretation of ancient Greek and Roman texts. The impact of Latin writers on the early stages of the evolution of Ancient History is considerable.

The importance of primary sources, especially ancient Greek and Latin ones, can hardly be overstated. In the ancient Greek world, primary sources were widely used, and their publication encouraged both scholars and laymen alike to write history, particularly about their country. A favorite ancient Greek source was the so-called Dialogues, which were actually debates between two or more individuals, which often went deep into the historical issues, to finally reveal the answers. Another classic ancient Greek work on ancient history, the Etruscan Relation, written in leather seals, is a priceless piece of literature, which discusses every issue concerning the rise of the Roman Empire. The Latin language also played an important role, since Latin speakers, besides English speakers, were known to use the Old French language for official business correspondence.

Ancient History is the collective aggregate of human history and past events from early writing and storytelling to post-classical era and beyond. The term can be used both to describe the historical period or the discipline itself. Ancient History is also known as history of Ancient Civilizations, as it covers a wide spectrum from ancient Greece and Rome, to early Islamic civilizations and medieval Europe. This field is a very complex one, with its own challenges and achievements. What is certain is that this field has created several milestones in the development of our knowledge about the past.

Ancient History is a study of pre-historical events which shed light on the development of the civilizations of the Ancient World. These civilizations are categorized as pre- Classical (4000 B.C – Early Typolithic) to post-classical (10th century A.D.). The classical period covers the ancient world up to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Post-classical refers to any period after the decline of the Roman Empire. This article provides an introduction to Ancient History.

Ancient History can be divided into three main periods. The first is Pre- Spartan. These were the ancient Greek civilizations who are grouped together along the border of the Mediterranean. The most developed was the Roman Empire which covered most of western Europe. Ancient Greece was separated into two different parts – the Aegean islands and the mainland area.

The second period is the Ancient Roman Period. It lasted for over three centuries until the fall of the Roman Empire. The most significant event in this time was the eclipse of the classical model of evolution by the pre-classical historians. This marked the abandonment of the Greek evolutionary model by the classical writers and historians.

The third and last period is Ancient China. It is a rather recent phenomenon but it has affected the thinking of modern historians. Early nineteenth century Chinese historians revived the idea of antiquity as a cultural and intellectual movement and they romanticized the antiquity of China. They believed that Classic China lived during the golden age of Ancient Greece. They emphasized the role of local government in the development of ancient history and they looked to China as the prototype for a classical society.

In the end, the Ancient History of Europe can be seen as a continuation of the Ancient History of the Asia, the Middle East and Ancient China. However, the basic difference between ancient history in Europe and ancient history in other areas is the influence of different philosophies on the development of Western civilization. Philosophy has had the great contribution in making European civilization what it is today. Some philosophers whose works have had major influence on European civilization are thinkers like Aristotle, Seneca, Lucretius, Senritis, Ptolemy, Aurelius, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and much more.

History is the study of history. Events prior to the invention of written records are often considered prehistoric. ” Historiography” is the application of knowledge of the past to future events and decisions. “Books” in contrast to “books” in the classroom indicates the distribution of knowledge over time, and not necessarily the content of that knowledge. History has become an important part of daily life since the beginning of recorded history.

The discipline of history is divided into two major sections: professional historians and laymen historians. Professional historians are academic professionals who research and write about history for a living. As the name implies, professional historians study history as a profession. Laymen on the other hand are those who do not hold academic degrees in any of the disciplines of history (professional historians also include freelance researchers, archival technicians, examiners, reporters, video analysis, media specialists, fact-checkers, consultants, and organizers).

There have been several attempts at defining what forms of historians are involved in the field of history. One of these attempts was made by a British thinker and historian, initials H.H. Wade. In his book, A History of the World endoscope, he distinguished between six main types of historians: Popular History, Political History, Documentary History, Literary History, Popular History, and Historical Writing. Drawing from this framework, we can divide the field into two main categories.

In the broadest sense, writers of political history, which includes biographies and topical studies of government and politics, write history from the point of view of those in power. Documentary historians, on the other hand, depend on primary sources such as newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and other written sources. Literary historians rely on primary sources as well as on secondary sources that record personal collections and tell the story of how people lived during a time period. While they use primary and secondary sources to tell their stories, literary historians do not attempt to tell a topical history but rather tell an overall story from a historical perspective.

The extent of readership for each of these various types of historians can vary significantly. A popular historian, one who writes for the general public and who thus relies on primary and secondary sources from many different places, might have little interest in the internal political affairs of specific countries or events. Conversely, historians who prefer analyze events from a more specific point of view will likely be interested in a particular country, region, or topic. In other words, a popular historian who tells the public about the First World War may not be interested in the politics of the period nor would a professional who specializes in the Ancient World be interested in the politics of Greece and Rome.

The discipline of history can be quite detailed and consuming. In order to write a successful history book, a writer should make every effort to research every aspect of this complex subject. It is also important to take into account the number of primary sources and secondary sources that a writer uses. While a writer cannot expect to compile a history that covers all of human history, a good background in the history of any area can make the task much easier.